Uniform Requirements
Charcoal grey shorts
Stella Maris burgundy polo shirt
Stella Maris burgundy jumper
Long charcoal grey socks
Black shoes
Stella Maris black beanie (optional)
Stella Maris black scarf (optional)
Stella Maris black raincoat (optional)
Charcoal grey shorts
Stella Maris burgundy polo shirt
Stella Maris burgundy jumper
Stella Maris black sunhat
Plain Black School sandals
Stella Maris black raincoat (optional)
Stella Maris charcoal grey culottes
Stella Maris grey blouse long or short sleeved
Stella Maris burgundy jumper or cardigan
Black shoes
Long charcoal grey socks
Stella Maris black beanie (optional)
Maris black scarf (optional)
Stella Maris black raincoat (optional)
Black Hair ribbons / hair ties
Stella Maris charcoal grey culottes
Stella Maris grey blouse short sleeved
Stella Maris burgundy jumper or cardigan
Stella Maris black sunhat
Plain Black School sandals
Stella Maris black raincoat (optional)
Black Stella Maris P.E. shorts
Stella Maris burgundy t-shirt

Winter shoes can be either leather laced or buckle for girls. Shoes need to have flat heels so that they are suitable shoes for active children. Please note that shoes need to be polished regularly;
we encourage students to take responsibility for this task.
The wearing of the school sun hats are compulsory in the first and fourth terms, as it is part of our school uniform.
There is an expectation that school uniform is worn correctly, with pride that reflects the spirit of Stella Maris?