
The school name of Stella Maris (Star of the Sea) was chosen to honour Our Lady and acknowledge her as our protector in this land close to the sea. Star of the Sea is one of the most ancient titles for Our Lady. In using this title we see Our Lady as our guide or leader, someone who could navigate the stars, who watches over us and leads us to safely to Jesus.
These rituals and practices have already become part of our Stella Maris tradition and are participated in by all in a dedicated and reverent way.

To identify and develop our charism at Stella Maris we acknowledge
and honour Our Lady by:
- praying the Stella Maris School prayer daily
- the Assumption of our Lady is the schools feast day 15th August.
with a liturgy and suitable festivity - by recognising the month of May as Mary’s month through prayer and liturgy
- praying a decade of the Rosary daily together as a school in October
- acknowledging and preserving the statue of Our Lady in the white rose garden at entrance to school building
- displaying the same picture of Our Lady in classrooms as on newsletter, certificates and other schoolwide publications
- singing the school song ‘Stella Maris’ along with waiata and hymns to Mary at assemblies, liturgies and other schoolwide gatherings.
These rituals and practices have already become part of our Stella Maris tradition and are participated in by all in a dedicated and reverent way.